Welcome back! To my own surprise and excitement this is my second time being nominated for an Award and after the Sunshine Blogger Award I’m writing this awesome post. I’m so glad Erika at PEA REVIEWS took some time to read my posts and decided to nominate me, a big shoutout to you girl (you can check out her post here). I’m very honored.

So for those of you who don’t know the Liebster award is a way for bloggers to know each other and to connect as well.

The Rules

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and put a link to her/his post.
  • Answer the questions given to you.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers and set 11 questions for them.
  • Do not forge to let them know when the post goes live.

So the rules have been set, now let’s get into the Q&A!


• What motivates you to keep blogging?

This is a pretty tricky questions for me. I’ve been struggling a lot lately because I hated my own ideas and i didn’t know what to talk about. Now after talking to many bloggers I’ve met online and reading their wonderful post I’m pretty motivated to keep going. The blogging community on Twitter is amazing and so supportive, its crazy. I couldn’t be prouder of their successes and I’m so happy I get to talk to them every day!

Do you have a blog schedule?

I don’t have any kind of schedule right now and my organization is all over the place. I should be fixing that soon cause I’m a control freak. However I thing it takes time to find your own routine and what works best for you and your blog. It isn’t a thing you can do overnight for sure. I hope I’ll sort things out sooner or later.

• What platforms do you use to share your blog posts?

I share my posts on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Bloglovin. I also have a Google Plus account connected to my blog but I don’t use that as much. I love twitter instead and most of my views come from there.

• If you got the chance to collab with a brand, who would it be and why?

It’d definitely be something skincare related because I love trying new products and face masks! So I look forward to that.

• What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

I know it is such a bad habit but when I first wake up I check out my phone. I mean after opening my crusty eyes I realize who I am and what I’m doing on earth I reach out for my phone and I check out Twitter/YT and messages from my friends. I must change this habit tho.

• Write an inspirational quote you think of when you’re having a bad day.

She believed she could so she did. That’s what I repeat to myself and it used to be my bio on twitter.

• What do you do when you’re not blogging? (job, school, etc.)

Right now I’m resting and recovering from a very stressful year and I’m on my gap year from school. Next month I’m gonna start studying to be admitted to uni in September.

• If you could interview a famous person, who would it be and why?

That’s a really hard question. It’d probably be Angelina Jolie. I love her personality and the humanitarian work she has done.

• What’s your favorite junk food to snack on?

Pringles! I love chips of all kind and flavors.

• When did your friends and family find out that you had a blog?

My blog is only two months old so my mom probably doesn’t even remember I have a blog. My best friends are pretty supportive and they alway like my posts on Instagram!

• If there was a day in your life you could go back and re-do would you take the opportunity, and why?

I’m gonna say yes cause I have some regrets and it’d be awesome if I could change something.


1) Who is your favorite blogger?

2) How do you find inspiration to write your posts?

3) When do you find time to write your blog posts?

4) Name three thing you love about blogging. Why?

5) If you could move anywhere in the world , where would you live?

6) What’s you favorite season?

7) Where do you see yourself in 7 years from now?

8) What is an ideal weekend for you?

9) What is the grossest sounding English word?

10) Which movie sequel do you wish you could erase from history?

11) Which is your favorite movie ever?

I NOMINATE (twitter handles included)

Caitlin Houston (@caitlinhouston0)

Katie Summer (@katieufilms)

Amy Wright (@amylouise_web)

Rachel Stray (@Rachael_Stray)

Amy (@blogsbyamy_)

Female Original (@female_original)

Kate (@allthetrinkets)

Olyvia (@hellolyvia)

Julia (@theglassofclass)

Rachel (@CreativelyRaye)

Pieceofwonderland (@mylpowonderland)


Thank you again to PAE REVIEWS for nominating me!
I’m looking forward to your answers and don’t forget to tell me when your posts go live!

Love, Mary.

4 thoughts on “THE LIEBSTER AWARD.”

  1. I love liebster awards because i get to find out more about you or other bloggers. The best thing about blogging is meeting wonderful people like yourself.


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